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Server Crates [#11 Tutorial Series]

Writer's picture: Jessie101Jessie101

Updated: Jul 31, 2022


Scoreboard 1: scoreboard objectives add crate dummy "§1Crate"

Scoreboard 2 *optional: scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar crate

Custom key item: give @p emerald 1 100

Reset crate 1: clear @a[x=-4, y=5, z=-28, r=10] stained_glass_pane 14

Reset crate 2: clone ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~1 ~ -4 5 -28

Detect key 1: testforblocks ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~1 ~ -4 5 -28

Detect key 2: tag @a[x=-4, y=5, z=-28, r=10] add crate

Detect key 3: setblock -4 5 -28 air

Detect key 4: setblock -13 4 -35 redstone_block
#this activates reward commands

Reward 1: setblock ~ ~1 ~ air

Reward 2: scoreboard players random @a crate 1 3

Reward 3: particle minecraft:totem_particle -4 6 -28

Reward 4: playsound random.levelup @a[x=-4, y=5, z=-28, tag=crate, c=1]

Reward 5: title @a[x=-4, y=5, z=-28, tag=crate, c=1] title §5•§a§lCommon Crate§5•

Reward 6: execute @a[tag=crate, c=1, scores={crate=1}] ~ ~ ~ clone -13 4 -33 -13 4 -33 -4 5 -28

Reward 7: execute @a[tag=crate, c=1, scores={crate=2}] ~ ~ ~ clone -13 5 -33 -13 5 -33 -4 5 -28

Reward 8: execute @a[tag=crate, c=1, scores={crate=3}] ~ ~ ~ clone -13 6 -33 -13 6 -33 -4 5 -28
#you can have different amount of rewards depending on the random score set in step Reward 2

Reward 9: tag @a[tag=crate] remove crate

Detect empty 1: testforblocks ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~1 ~ -4 5 -28

Detect empty 2: clone -7 5 -34 -7 5 -34 -4 5 -28

Post Credit: PavelDobCZ23



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