Key: * = Optional
Sign Resetter Item: give @s light_weighted_pressure_plate 8 99 {"minecraft:can_place_on":{"blocks":["amethyst_block"]}}
# Rename in anvil using colour codes*
Infinite Shulker Box: clone ~~1~ ~~1~ ~~4~
# Refer to Infinite Chest Tutorial for further information
Save Structure: structure save j101:starterkit ~-1 ~-5 ~ ~-1 ~-5 ~ true disk
# Refer to NBT Items Tutorial for further information
Detect Sign being clicked: setblock ~~-1~-4 redstone_block
# This command block should be behind an observer
Sign clicked 1: clone ~~1~ ~~1~1 ~~1~4
# This command block should be below an observer
Sign clicked 2: setblock ~~1~ air
Sign clicked 3: execute @p ~~~ structure load j101:starterkit ~~~
Sign clicked 4: playsound random.orb @p
Sign Resetter 1: setblock ~~3~ air
# This command block should be below a block of amethyst with redstone dust on top of it
Sign Resetter 2: clone ~~4~-4 ~~4~-3 ~~4~
Sign Resetter 3: title @p actionbar §1§lStarter Kit §r§6Sign Reset!
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